Our Purpose

Our Purpose at Highland Park Baptist Church is to move people in their discipleship, to help them in their walk with Christ. The first step is to accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior by admitting your sins before Him, believing that He is the eternal Son of God who died and rose again for your salvation, and confess Him as Lord in a humble and sincere prayer. When you are saved, the journey has just begun. Our purpose is to move people from Worshiping, to Growing, and into Serving.

Worshiping is the ENTRY point. This happens on Sunday Mornings and evenings. This is the time when we worship our Lord together as His church as we bring guests and invite friends to worship with us. We worship through Prayer, Praise, and Preaching. From Worshiping we encourage folks to move into Growing.

Growing is the EQUIPPING point. This happens during Sunday School, in Discipleship Training, and in Bible Study on Wednesday nights. We grow and fellowship in small groups through Prayer, Preparation, and Participation. From Growing we encourage folks to move into Serving.

Serving is the EMPOWERING point. This happens in ministry teams serving inside and outside the church. Serving our Lord by serving our Congregation and our Community. We do this through Prayer, Partnership, and Practice. A Christian can never truly be happy and empowered if he or she is not serving.

Jesus said the most important things we can do are to Love God and to Love people. As we move through Worshiping, Growing, and Serving, we are Glorifying God and Reaching our Community. The ones we reach then begin their own journey with us at Highland Park Baptist Church. Are you ready to begin your Journey? Or are you satisfied with just sitting still?


It is Good to be Your Pastor

Bro. Bobby McCord