One of the dominate features of a disciple of Christ is that they pray. In Luke 11, the scripture says, “And it came to pass, that, as he was praying in a certain place, when he ceased, one of his disciples said unto him, Lord, teach us to pray…” Jesus gave the model prayer for his disciples. Christians are a people of prayer, because they follow Jesus.

  • Jesus prayed for othersMatthew 19:13
  • Jesus prayed with others-Luke 9:28
  • Jesus prayed alone-Luke 5:16

One of the most dominant features of the New Testament church was that they prayed.

  • Following the ascension of Jesus, the followers of Jesus were left in Jerusalem without Jesus’ physical presence, but spiritually they were still in contact with him because they prayed.
  • When the disciples were selecting the replacement for Judas they prayed. The decision was too great to make by themselves.
  • Following Peter’s sermon on Pentecost that resulted in many new believers, they were instructed in spiritual growth tools. Among those tools was prayer.
  • Prayer was such a way of life that they took time out each day, even in the afternoons, to spend time in prayer to God.
  • Prayer was so important to the apostles that they set aside other servants to care for the physical needs of the widows, so they could spend extended periods of time in prayer.

Prayer is to be prominent, primary, and preeminent in the life of a church and its members. And all the people said, AMEN!